Coalition on tour - where to find Coalition fall 2018

At Coalition, we’re always ready to catch up with customers, brokers, and everyone else interested in solving cyber risk. Really... try us.
Over the next several weeks, at different events, you can find us in person around the United States sharing some of what we know and are learning from businesses far and wide. If you’ll be at one of these events, or are nearby and want to connect with someone from Coalition, let us know.
Oh, and we are hiring.
Digital Insurance Leadership workshop on SMB Insurance
Shawn Ram, head of insurance, will be speaking at the Digital Insurance Leadership workshop on SMB Insurance, on the topic of “Cyber Insurance & Security: Emerging Requirements, Strategies, & Models.” Catch him on Tuesday September 25th in the afternoon.
When: September 25 - 26 2018
Where: Palo Alto, California
The Insurance Leadership Forum 2018
At CIAB’s annual event, Coalition CEO and co-founder Joshua Motta is part of a team looking forward to see what's next. In the Women’s Forum event titled ”An Eye Toward the Future,” the group will provide insight on new business models, creative approaches to partnerships, the evolution of products gaining traction in market segments, and who is controlling the pen. Catch Joshua on Sunday afternoon, September 30th.
When: September 28 - October 2, 2018
Where: Broadmoor, Colorado
NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit
At the annual NetDiligence west coast event, keep an eye out for Shawn Ram, Matt Ahrens (security engineer), and Alex Pazooki (business development).
When: October 1 - 3 2018
Where: Santa Monica, California
RIMS Cyber Risk Forum
In Seattle, Coalition will share intelligence on two different topics at the RIMS event. On Thursday morning, Coalition head of product John Roberts is joined by two security professionals for ”Enlisting Ethical Hackers to Solve Cyber Risk.” Learn how sophisticated organizations are utilizing these programs to avoid losses.
On Friday afternoon, Shawn Ram joins a lively panel, “Cyber Insurance Disruption!,” with topics including new underwriting and onboarding methodologies, new insuring agreements, and new risk prevention services.
When: October 4 - 5 2018
Where: Seattle, Washington
2018 CLM Cyber Summit
Let’s talk about claims! The heart of insurance is helping people when things go wrong. Coalition claims is here to help. Join Coalition at the CLM Cyber Summit.
On Friday morning, Coalition security engineer Matt Ahrens, veteran of hundreds of incidents, offers ”Enlisting Ethical Hackers to Solve Cyber Risk” to the Big Apple audience. This panel will cover how vulnerability disclosure and bug bounty programs can help prevent risk or limit the liability of identified vulnerabilities or data loss.
Catch Coalition’s head of claims, Catherine Lyle, on Friday afternoon as she speaks with other experts on the “Silent and Endorsed Cyber Coverage: Allocation Between Policies that Respond to a Cyber Event.” During this session, the panel will tackle the potential overlap between policies as cyber standalone coverage expands and claim exposure.
When: October 11 - 12 2018
Where: New York, New York
2018 PLUS International Conference
Listen to Shawn Ram and other leaders in cyber insurance tackle “Latest Trends in Cyber” on Thursday afternoon November 8 at the PLUS event. There’s no risk more dynamic than cyber, and this group will discuss the latest coverage innovations, recent claims/litigation trends, and new underwriting strategies. Coalition’s Joshua Motta and Alex Pazooki will also be attending.
When: November 6 - 9 2018
Where: San Diego, California
Want to hear from Coalition?
That’s a busy fall, and more on tap. Interested in having one of our team join your event? Let us know.
Oh, and you might ask us for socks.