The average ransomware loss hit $353,000 this year 📈
Cyber Incident? Get Help

Coalition for Retail & Ecommerce

Keep your business online with Coalition

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From data breaches and denial of service attacks to theft of credit card data, retailers face a number of cyber risk exposures

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Percent of retailers that experienced a data breach in the last year
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Average claim size for Coalition’s SMB retail policyholders
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Percent of cyber attacks on retailers stemming from denial of service (DDoS) and payment skimming attacks

Cyber insurance specifically designed to help retailers — both online and offline

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Restoration of digital assets, including sensitive customer information and credit card records

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PCI fines and penalties resulting from exposure of customer credit card data

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Business interruption losses from cyber attacks against you or your suppliers

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Enhanced coverage for denial of service (DDoS) attacks that impede legitimate traffic to your business

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Funds transfer fraud losses arising from a security failure or social engineering

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Costs to respond to a ransomware (extortion) incident

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Coverage for consequential reputational harm loss, and media and PR costs to respond to an incident